While I know this probably won’t be a top ‘Spring Break’ activity on Cayman over the next few weeks… I did run across this interesting article from Nick Kelly the local president of the Cayman Islands Astronomical Society and wanted to share with you nighttime sky watchers / navigators - something to look for while enjoying the night sky from your Beachcomber patio !
Here is Nick Kelly’s recent article on star gazing this March:
“The planet Jupiter, the largest in the Solar System is visible in the western sky at
the month’s beginning, setting about 2 hours after the sun. It is the lone bright object in that part of the sky.
On Mar 12 – 16, Mercury is close to Jupiter, just after sunset & the smaller planet’s proximity to the giant makes it easy to find. Seven Mile Beach offers the best clear view to the west.
Jupiter will be gone from the night skies by month’s end, but Saturn, which rises 2 hours after sunset in early March, will be visible at dusk by then.
In the morning sky, Venus, the bright “Morning Star”, is brilliant 2 hours before dawn and still visible as it begins to get light.
The moon is full on the 19th & spring officially begins in the northern hemisphere on the 20th, at 7:21 pm whn the sun reaches equinox.
All month long, the bright & distinctive Winter constellations dominate the evening sky with their bright stars.
On March 12, the first quarter moon is close to both Aldebaran in Taurus and Capella in Auriga. In Taurus we can also find the star cluster of Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters. Sharp eyes may be able to distinguish the 7 points.”
If you prefer a little mood music to go with your star gazing then you are in luck!
A Celebration of Music kicks off on Thurs. March 10 with Broadway Under the Stars on the Great Lawn at the Ritz Carlton ( a short walk up the beach from Beachcomber)
On Sat. March 12 American artist, Chuck Holden and local musician Gary Ebanks will perform Jazz on the Green. Guests are invited to bring a blanket to spread on the lawn.
The final day of the event will feature a Gospel Brunch at 7 Prime & Sunsets restaurant at the Ritz. The proceeds from these events will go toward a new observatory to house a fully computerized telescope.
A Celebration of Music Weekend
March 10, 12, and 13
Join us for A Celebration of Music –a three day event presented by Rotary Club of Grand Cayman showcasing a rhapsody of musical performances from Broadway, Jazz and Gospel.
• Thursday, March 10 at 8:00 p.m.: Broadway Under the Stars with Greg Rolph (Tenor) and Susie Diaz (Soprano). Performance held on The Great Lawn at The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman. Tickets $40.
• Saturday, March 12 at 8:00 p.m.: Jazz on the Green with Chuck Holden and Gary Ebanks. Performance held on The Great Lawn at The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman. Tickets $40.
• Sunday, March 13 from Noon – 3:00 p.m.: Gospel Brunch with Maryel Epps, Clyde Kain & Omar Walters. Performance held at 7 restaurant at The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman. Tickets $145.
For more information or to purchase tickets please visit www.rotary.ky.
We can’t forget the always popular: Full Moon Madness at Calico Jack’s beach bar on 7 Mile Beach ( a 15 – 20 minute walk up the beach from Beachcomber)
March 18! Geared to the younger crowd within walking distance, always a safe bet!!

March 19 is the date for the Moonlit Beach Walk ! A fund raiser for Breast Cancer Awareness – Beachcomber owners and guests will be lighting up their patios in support of the walkers as they pass by going North and then on the return heading back South. FUN! So follow the pink glow in the night sky and we will …

See you on the Beach !